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Eco Church - Net Zero Carbon


February 2025


Green de-icer

When we all need to get out and about for the school run, work or caring duties it can be tempting to grab the car de-icer to quickly get on the move. However, did you know that commercially produced de-icer is made up of harsh chemicals that can find their way into our waterways that hydrate our land and wildlife? Try these natural and speedy alternative ways to de-ice your car this winter:

Soak a sponge in salty warm water and just wash the ice away

Squeeze a lemon on your frosty car window and then rinse away with warm water. Any shards of ice left? Use the lemon to gently wipe them away. Smells great and safe for the environment!


Save money on fuel bills

More than half the money spent on fuel bills goes towards providing heating and hot water. Think about installing a room thermostat, a programmer and thermostatic radiator valves if not already fitted. By using these controls efficiently, eg turning down your room thermostat by just one degree, you can save around £75 a year. Jumpers are in this year!

For the Church of England, being net zero carbon means that the carbon emissions of our buildings and travel will be reduced to less than 10 per cent of our baseline levels. The remaining emissions will be offset in verified schemes that reduce carbon. That means overall, our buildings and travel will not contribute to rising carbon emissions: their contribution will be ‘net zero’. Responding to the climate crisis is an essential part of our responsibility to safeguard God’s creation and achieve a just world.

Climate change hits hardest on the poorest countries and poorest people of the world. Meanwhile, the widespread destruction of the natural world is a crisis for creation. Tackling climate change also supports our local mission. It witnesses to our communities that we are people who care about climate justice, now and for the future. Also, many of the steps needed to reduce energy use will make our buildings warmer and more welcoming, so they are suitable to be used more often by more people, and can save us money on our running costs.

Look out for more information about the Priory Churches journey towards Net Zero Carbon on this page.

Some useful links:

A Rocha UK’s Eco Church scheme has made significant progress in encouraging local churches to care for creation as a core tenet of faith and to integrate this across every aspect of church life. It has played a significant role in enabling congregations across all denominations to embrace the responsibility of creation care and to see it as an expression of love for God and others, including the natural world.

A Rocha UK’s approach to Eco Church is one of facilitating the movement, encouraging a learning community, and ensuring that the programme behind it is dynamic, continuously developing to keep up with the science and options for action.

Find out more from their website: https://arocha.org.uk